Nitesh Jha        

Master's Student                            


About Me

I am a masters student studying Robotics Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. I love exploring ideas that use cutting-edge tech to make people's lives better!

My focus areas are at the intersection of Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Robotics. I have done projects where I have worked with mobile robots, robotic arms, (or both!) and implemented various algorithms for perception, planning, and control of robotic systems.


Here are a few personal and academic projects that I have done. My projects pertain to different areas like computer vision, deep learning, robotics, and path planning. For more information, visit my Github page .

  • All
  • Computer Vision
  • Robotics
  • Path Planning
Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)
Underwater Robotics

Developed an underwater simulator for oyster detection and determining high population areas for farming.

Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)
Visual Sensor Fusion

Fusion of LiDAR point cloud with 2D object detection on images using YOLOv4.

Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)
3D object detection

Use LiDAR point cloud to obtain 3D bounding boxes of objects using DBSCAN, RANSAC, Downsampling (Open3D).

Face Swap like snapchat
Urban Search & Rescue

Simulate search & rescue operation using two turtlebots.

Path Planning with differential constraints
WareBot: A warehouse robotic automation system

Execution of pick-and-place operation using coordination between three different types of robots: gantry robots to pick large boxes, mobile robots to carry them, and manipulator arm to process/pack boxes.

Drone Quadrotor Navigation
A-Star planning of turtlebot

Implement A-star search for non-holonomic robot and simulate the path traversal in Gazebo.

Panorama Stiching Computer Vision
AR Tag decoding and AR Cube

Decode AR tag and project an image according to tag orientation, and projecting AR Cube onto the tag.

A * path (motion) Planning
Lane Detection for Self Driving Cars

Lane line segmentation pipeline using classical computer vision techniques. Implemented LeNet to classify traffic signs.

Dijkstra's algorithm path planning
Path Planning Algorithms

Implemented A*, Dijkstra, BFS, DFS algorithms to reach a given goal and start location in obstacle space.

madgwick filter Quaternion
Auto Panorama Stitching

Use of feature matching techniques to estimate homography and stitch images, and also used deep learning methods(HomographyNet) for image stitching.

PB lite boundary detection
Behavioral Cloning

End-to-end learning to clone driving behavior in simulator. Used the trained network to predict steering angle and velocity to drive autonomously.

GapFlyt Flying through gaps
Maze Solver

Implementation of depth-first-search algorithm to solve a maze using micromouse simulator.

simultaneous localization and mapping SLAM
Structure from Motion

Reconstruction of a 3D scene and simultaneously obtaining the camera poses using multiple images.

simultaneous localization and mapping SLAM
Face Swap

Swap faces in a video using traditional techniques (Delauney triangulation, Thin plate splines) and Deep Learning method(Position Map Regression Network).

Optical flow Moving object detection
Extended Kalman Filter

Implementation of EKF to estimate position of a moving vehicle using LiDAR and RADAR measurements.

Optical flow Moving object detection
8 Puzzle Solver

Solve the 8-Puzzle using breadth-first-search approach!.



University of Maryland, College Park, MD

2021 - 2023

Masters of Engineering in Robotics

  • Relevant coursework: Geometric and Deep Learning based Computer Vision, Perception and Planning for autonomous robots, Software Development for Robotics, DL frameworks, Modelling and Control for robotic systems
  • Roles: Teaching Assistant - Control for robotic systems (ENPM667)

R.V. College of Engineering, India

2016 - 2020

Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering

Work Experience

Tailos Inc, Austin, TX

Jun 2022 - Aug 2022

Robotics Software Intern

Worked on the detection and tracking problem for AGV with low-lying viewpoint.

Perception and Robotics Group, UMD

Sep 2021 - May 2022

Research Assistant

Developed an open-source simulator for underwater vehicles and implemented pipelines for mapping oyster population on the seabed.

Fractal Analytics, India

Sep 2020 - Jul 2021

Data Analyst Trainee

Indian Institute of Technology, KGP, India

May 2019 - Jul 2019

Research Intern - Rehabilitation Robotics

Worked on gait assist lower-limb orthosis for paraplegic patients.



Rowalt Drive, College Park, MD 20740